Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 19: Lake Fire Detour - Part Three

Pioneertown Mountains Preserve Ranger Station - cowboy camp under big juniper tree
On the unofficial Lake Fire detour
(~ mile 24 - 42 of "Magician's Lake Fire" detour)
Total 18 miles

Almost back on the PCT!!!!!

I woke up at sunrise in the shelter next to the ranger station, filled up plenty of water, and set off for the remaining leg of the long "Lake Fire" detour. Gentle breeze was blowing and welcome clouds covering the sky. The paved road continued until the small village of Rimrock, where it turned into an unpaved dirt road and entered a dry rocky canyon.

A few miles up the canyon a totally unexpected thing appeared out of nowhere: a lunch box with a sign "hikers welcome" and fresh fruits, snacks, water bottles and a trail register inside. A 6 year old boy who is staying at a nearby ranch at his grandparents has set this all up for us hikers. BIG THANKS! You are a true angel. I took an apple and an orange and my hope of getting back to the PCT increased. Further up the road there were some remote settlements, lots of huge Joshua trees, and more encouraging signs that the trail is getting close!

The road continued through an entire forest of yuccas / yoshua trees, some as high as 10 metres.

Then it finally entered national forest land. With increasing elevation the amount of trees also started to increase. Only in the east I could see the burned trees from last year's horrible fire.

Turning left on forest road 2N01, the PCT is only 5 more miles away! At a mountain saddle a clear view opened up just before the sunset. Maybe the far away mountains on the north could be the Sierras?

Below the saddle I found a flat meadow with a huge solitary juniper tree. A perfect spot to sleep. Tomorrow early morning I'll be back on the PCT!

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