Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 72: Waterwheel Falls

Cowboy camp above Tuolumne Falls - ...
Mile 947 - 958 on the PCT + 6 miles side trip to Waterwheel Falls
Total 17 miles

As bright stars above my head started fading away, the first birds started singing, waking me up from deep sleep on a rocky outcrop high abovethr Tuolumne River. The bear canister stayed intact even in this bear frequented area. Past river rapids I walked a mile or two to an established campground "Glen Aulin" with fire sites, tent cabins and bear boxes. The bear boxes are big metal lockers with special opening system. The bears cannot get inside the boxes. Today I take advantage of a bear box, put my bear canister with food inside, and with a lighter backpack set off for a small side trip along the Tuolumne River to Waterwheel Falls.

Deer are grazing on the meadows as the side trail descends down the canyon of the river. I also see a less pleasant sight: some careless person has hanged a plastic bag full of trash on a tree. On my way back if the bag is still there then I'll have to pick it up and carry the trash out.

After three miles of downhill hike I hear the loud sound of water tumbling down a wide rock face. The rock is shaped so that the flow forms five giant water wheels. On the smooth granite surface I can walk to the very edge of the current. It was definitely worth taking the 3 mile side trail to this unique waterfall.

On my way back up the canyon I keep thinking what to do with the big trash bag. When I come to the tree it's still hanging there. And inside are smelly food packaging bags - no food though. I take the bag and I'll have to find a way to fit it inside my bear canister. Then hidden behind bushes I see a tent. The backpackers are out and so I ask them if the bag is theirs. And it is! So I give it to them and I'm thankful I won't have to carry the extra weight all the way to Tahoe.

Back at Glen Aulin camp I take out my bear canister out of the bear box; make a big breakfast; chat with PCT hikers Squarepants and Pokymom; and watch a squirrel who's searching for some dropped oats, nuts and seeds.

A big group of mules has arrived at the camp, bringing big loads of supplies for its guests. Next to the camp is also a great view of the Tuolumne Falls. Then it's time to head back on the PCT.

It's a glorious day in the Yosemite wilderness. The path winds through lush meadows and dark forest. There's fresh wind blowing, keeping the bugs away and so it's perfect time for taking long breaks on the way.

The stream crossings are comfortable walking on logs or hopping rocks. It looks like the peak spring snowmelt flow is already over. One hiker tries his luck fishing.

After crossing Virginia creek the path climbs a steep uphill past bare rock faces. On top of the hill I look for a place to camp;  and soon find a fine spot tugged between a granite boulder and pine trees.

Finally some food for my thought shared yesterday by Legend:

Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

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